tirsdag 20. september 2011

Det blir blogging på Norsk.

Jeg fant rett og slett ut at det er mye enklere å skrive på norsk, slippe alle stavefeilene på engelsk og at besteforeldre kanskje ikke kan følge med på engelsk, så dermed blir det blogget på norsk istedefor! Hald er fremdeles DIGG! Kjekke kvelder med språklæring, spennende timer på skolen, læring av brasiliansk dans, bad-tast party, jogging etter midnatt.. you name it! Helt fantastisk.

Bad-Taste party slo ann! :D Alle er kjempegira! :D

Nå når man begynner å ta drikkevaksiner, gå på diverse piller, kjøpe myggnetting..osv det er da det begynner å gå opp for meg at det faktisk ikke er så alt for lenge til vi faktisk skal reise! Jeg gleder meg så utrolig mye til det å bo i en annen kultur, lære et nytt språk, bli kjent med mange nye mennesker, arbeide med barn, ungdommer, døve..osv! Samtidig må jeg jo bare innrømme at tanken på å pakke ikke er så veldig lystig. Hva skal man i grunnen prioritere å ta med og ikke? Det er godt vi har fått en slags pakkeliste kjenner jeg! Reisedatoen er satt: 04.oktober!

Jogging på natten er alltid ok! :D
Vet ikke helt om Andrea kan si seg
enig med meg :P Eller hva?

mandag 5. september 2011

Some interesting classes that I just have to write about!

We have had about HIV/AIDS, witch I knew a lot about before,but it is always good to be reminded on this topic . We also had a class about “Children at risk”. This class was so interesting! The woman who had the class was so good at giving examples that we understood. She also gave concrete answers about what to do, when we are meeting a child that have been abused in some way. The class made me think, because when I am on Madagascar, I will meet orphan children, sexual abused children and youth. Then it is nice to have some tips about how to react and be prepared in a way.

We have also had a really interesting class about “personal challenges in cross cultural communication”. This was really fun, because we learned at lot through different games. Also this day we discussed a lot, and it is so exciting to listen to the different views. Looking forward to a class like that tomorrow also.

Tonight is praise and prayer time. =) This is a meeting where we sing some christian songs, then someone cheer something and then we sing again. Its really nice! Looking forward to that :)

Picture from google.

torsdag 1. september 2011

A new school year, new experiences !

Hello =) This year I am attending Hald International School. It is an international school, where we have classes for six weeks, and then we are going abroad. Marte, my team-mate and I are going to Antananarivo, Madagascar. We are represent
atives from NMS who are going to live there and work there for six months. Afterwards are we going back to Hald for two months where we are go
ing to talk about what we have experienced and to learn how to tell about it, and tell people about it.

I also have to add that the classes we have at Hald is really good. We are listening a lot, but also discuss a lot, witch is really interesting, because we are from different places and have a different views on things .

Now I have been two weeks on Hald. It is so fun, exciting, awesome! There are so many international interesting people with different cultures, different meanings and different

languages.And of course many Norwegians too, that are so nice people. Everyone is so open and want to get to know you

Marte my team-mate that have to tolerate me for ha half year :P She is the one that is so "lucky" to see all my positive and bad sides. Yeeey :) I am really looking forward to travel to Madagascar with you, you are awesome! :D

When I first arrived at Hald, I was kind of scary. Because I didn`t know anybody really. I got to know my team-partner Marte in the car to Hald a little bit, so it was okay. It was not scary at all, because everyone was so open and friendly.

This is what we have done so far :

One of the first days we went to the town, Mandal. We went up to a place with a beautiful view over the town.

My room-mate Mary Ann and I took face-mask.

We have been to the beach. We played volleyball, took a cold bath, talked a lot, were sitting around the fire, and some of us slept on the beach. That night I learned that its very clever to have wool clothes , because it was a really really cold.

Julie and me :

One of my crazie, funny, nice hippie roomie :)

Nice atmosphere =)

On the right side, you can see a photo from the "blåtur" A trip where you do not know where you are going. Really exciting! We weren`t allowed to have our mobilephones or watches. It was really nice to not care about the time for a weekend. The weekend was awesome. A lot of teambuilding, that was great to be remided on.

" Madagascar team" or we six people that are going to Madagascar ,have also attended Malagashy lessons with the awesome people from Madagascar, Daniel and Blandino.

Sigrunn, Maria, Mary Ann, Marte, and me. We are missing Julie in this photo.

Blondino and me =)

That was a little bit, but there will be more! :D Sorry about my english. If someone want the writing in norwegian, let me know! :P
